I want to brag about Heather.
Heather continues to breathe life into me as a friend and former client - I was the client. She sends me sweet messages. This week's was entitled, you are AMAZING. The message read,
Just a note to say you are the bomb.com and this...
I'm excited to share this blog with you.
Before we begin, please reply to this email and send a very lovely member of this community, Monica, a big ol' congratulations, a big high five, a big hug. I'll forward your message to her.
Monica had the opportunity to be interviewed on the news in the UK...
When was the last time you took up space?
In December, I was at Austin’s Kindergarten Christmas concert. It was the first indoor, in-person event the school had hosted in two years because of COVID.
An important adult in the building mentioned that in a previous performance - they had done...
Take a moment and identify, right now, how you're feeling.
Close your eyes and feel what you're body is trying to tell you.
This Soul Session can wait for you.
In a recent study of 7,000 people, on average, people could only name three emotions, as they were feeling them, of...
Do you ever find yourself replaying conversations?
Some thoughts come and go, others stick around nagging at you, interrupting your energy and focus?
I totally get it.
We recently went out to dinner with friends and something I said has got stuck on a loop in my brain.
Specifically, I was telling...
Something in your life, right now, is unmanageable. What is it?
I often find my brain spinning, carrying so many thoughts, and I intentionally have to slow myself down, over and over again.
I like fast. I like a little crazy. I like chaos. Until I don't.
Let's face it, simplicity is delightful.
People think I'm naturally confident. I think that's true, and it's not.
I'll say this a million times; it's always AND.
When I was a teenager I remember turning bright red when I was asked a question on the spot.
I remember my heart racing, during class, practicing what I was...
When my child was handed to me after birth, I didn't fall madly, deeply in love.
I felt relieved that he was healthy.
I felt relieved and grateful that childbirth was over.
I felt infringed upon that I now had to breastfeed even though it was my choice to do so. My body has just...
Did you know that a 5 year plan hurts more people than it helps?
In my experience, I see this to be true.
Younger people especially, aged twenty to thirty, that I coach, have the need for a plan. (If you're not in this age range, keep reading)
They say things like, I need to be prepared for...
Please stop being modest.
It's boring, antiquated, and bad advice.
Modesty comes from the Latin, modestus, meaning "keeping within measure."
A quick Google search reveals modesty to mean, "the quality or state of being unassuming or moderate in the estimation of one's abilities."
Happy New Year.
I am feeling so much better. Many thanks to those of you who sent me words of encouragement and love. They helped me so much.
This was my first time getting the 'vid and it was no joke.
As I was ill I kept thinking, what is my body craving?
Here were my answers:
- A good night's...
I know that you’re energized by the idea of growth.
You like the idea of living into your potential, and as one client, Nina, put it this morning “opening myself up more to life.”
In order to grow, to live into your potential, to fully experience the awe and wonder of life, you...