Last Friday, Preston and I spontaneously bought tickets for a Garth Brooks concert that evening in Cincinnati, OH which is two hours away.
Firstly, I highly recommend being spontaneous. It made me feel as though I was really living.
Secondly, Garth's show was a masterclass in...
Video Link: How do you Make the RIGHT Decision?
In a recent post about God, I wrote that, for me, God, is learning how to dance with the magic of life.
The magic I refer to is how to feel fully self-expressed, how to be exactly you in most moments, to have the self awareness to relish in what makes you great and what you...
Last week I shared a beautifully, moving excerpt about journaling and the power of creative expression. Read it here.
Last weekend we drove to State College in Pennsylvania to take our son, Austin, to a BMX and Skateboarding park that is pro-level. We had an awesome getaway.
Austin was...
One way to crystallize your thoughts is to put pen to paper.
10 minutes of journaling time can clear your messy thoughts and give clarity room to breathe.
Even if journaling or writing isn't your favorite thing, stick with me, because creative expression, however that may look for...
I often refer to God, and what do I mean when I say that?
Do you struggle with control? This is a common theme among my clients. We attract who we are.
I often hear...
- What's my five year plan? Why don't I have one? Successful people have them.
- I don't think I'll bother saying...
Please remember that your life is about blazing your own trail.
That doesn't mean you have to earn mega bucks, be the best in your profession, write a bestseller or, change a system.
It does mean defining success on your terms, and making sure your values and your actions...
I want to brag about Heather.
Heather continues to breathe life into me as a friend and former client - I was the client. She sends me sweet messages. This week's was entitled, you are AMAZING. The message read,
Just a note to say you are the and this...
I'm excited to share this blog with you.
Before we begin, please reply to this email and send a very lovely member of this community, Monica, a big ol' congratulations, a big high five, a big hug. I'll forward your message to her.
Monica had the opportunity to be interviewed on the news in the UK...
When was the last time you took up space?
In December, I was at Austin’s Kindergarten Christmas concert. It was the first indoor, in-person event the school had hosted in two years because of COVID.
An important adult in the building mentioned that in a previous performance - they had done...
Take a moment and identify, right now, how you're feeling.
Close your eyes and feel what you're body is trying to tell you.
This Soul Session can wait for you.
In a recent study of 7,000 people, on average, people could only name three emotions, as they were feeling them, of...
Do you ever find yourself replaying conversations?
Some thoughts come and go, others stick around nagging at you, interrupting your energy and focus?
I totally get it.
We recently went out to dinner with friends and something I said has got stuck on a loop in my brain.
Specifically, I was telling...