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What Degree of Unmanageable are you?

Something in your life, right now, is unmanageable. What is it?

I often find my brain spinning, carrying so many thoughts, and I intentionally have to slow myself down, over and over again.

I like fast. I like a little crazy. I like chaos. Until I don't.

Let's face it, simplicity is delightful.

A good kinda simplicity in which we have just enough challenge and just enough rest.

Too much of either tips the scales unfavorably.

Our fears and desires are often simple; good health, connection, work that's purposeful, to be treated with respect, safe lodging, enough money to have our needs met, to love and be loved.......

When our lives feel unmanageable it's often because we are trying to do too much.

How about trying out a journal prompt to understand your unmanageability?

My life is unmanageable when...
We used this in last week's Pump Up Session and it was so revealing for each of us.

My journal answers were:
My life is unmanageable when I put too much on my plate.

My life is unmanageable when I focus on too many big projects at once.

My life is unmanageable when I let thoughts fester.

My life is unmanageable when I decide to be frustrated when instead I could laugh.

My life is unmanageable when I interrupt.

My life is unmanageable when I "what if..?"

My life is unmanageable when I don't write down my social media content ideas.

My life is unmanageable when I don't ask Preston for help and share responsibilities.

My life is unmanageable when I seek to impress others.

My life is unmanageable when I yell instead of take a break/seek to understand.


The one answer that stood out to me was, I decide to be frustrated when instead I could laugh.

This past week I have walked with the words, I choose to laugh, as a reminder of being responsible for that choice. After all, it is a choice. And I have laughed a little more than usual. At the very least I've kept my cool when I wanted to blow up.

Write down 10 answers to the journal prompt and shoot me a DM with the answer that caught your attention most.

Here's to you,

Sarah x