The Opposite is Unthinkable
This morning I was driving Austin to school thinking about how this is one of the last times I will make this drive.
He currently attends a pre-school close to downtown Columbus about 12 minutes from our house.
His new school, where he starts Kindergarten at the end of August, is a 7 minute walk.
I was feeling excited, a little sad, a little emotional thinking about the change.
Something I have been saying a lot lately is "the opposite is unthinkable."
Let me share an example.
I'm not sad that he is going to kindergarten, that he is growing up, because the opposite is unthinkable.
What is more true is that I'm experiencing the change.
I'm not sad that my parents are aging because the opposite is unthinkable.
There will be examples in your life where this language applies.
My clients often share that they like hearing my take on a situation. One client even calls them her "Sarah-isms." I wanted to pass along this tool as an example of how you can shift your perspective to work for you.
Self-awareness is one of the best gifts you can give yourself. Here's to cultivating more of it together.
Much Love,
Sarah x