Everyday we're learning how to be in a thriving relationship with ourselves and others. Our journey on earth is as simple as that.
It can feel anything but simple though, right?
We are hard-wired for connection.
We desire to laugh with each other, hug, break bread, adventure, make love, share silly chuckles and deep truths.
We want to know that we are ok as we are and that we belong to someone somewhere.
What many of us miss, and I certainly did for a long time, is that our first port of call is to belong to ourselves.
All of this is why feeling seen and heard is one of the greatest activators of joy, peace and contentment. We love people with whom we are fully accepted and we can experience the greatest of sorrows when we are not.
In the spirit of connection, and cultivating it with ourselves and others, I want to invite you to call the Full of Herself Honor Line - 614.887.7676 - this week and leave us a message.
- You could simply say hi to let us know you're a member of this movement and community.
- You could tell us an intimate struggle and feel the relief of having let us see you.
- You could share a funny moment and delight us with your laugh.
- You could cheer us on.
You get to choose.
Hear the power of your words. Have the courage to let us in.
Find the freedom to use your voice.
When you call you'll go straight to voicemail. You can feel safe that nobody will pick up - awkward! -and we won't use any of your content if you tell us not to.
This is your Full of Herself invitation this week. Whether you're looking to reconnect with yourself because you feel lost or you're actively building your confidence and self-esteem, this simple invitation is a great step in your journey.
How many messages can we get?!
With Love,
Sarah x
p.s. An incredible amount of you open this email every week so get into action. After all, you're full of yourself, right?